Monday, February 1, 2010

Show Us Your Scoutbook

I was asked by the lovely Nicole Lavelle of the might Pinball Publishing to fill up some Scout Books. I love these little books so much. I use them mostly for lists, notes, but plan to theme doodling and collage in some. Here's my first one filled with patterns. My goal was to complete an entire Scoutbook in one sitting. So one afternoon, while away from the internet (and a trip to Sonic) I fired this out. 

See all the pages!


Anonymous said...

fun! the second to last page is my favorite (the square chains)

Will_Bryant said...

thanks Sara!

Liam Hodgeon said...

Amazing idea. Love the fact you did it in one sitting! :)

Jo Faulkner Textile Design said...

this is great- gonna have a go myself!